ALE discontinuous Galerkin simulation of compressible flow in time dependent domains
- ID: 2521, RIV: 10071571
- ISSN: neuvedeno, ISBN: 80-87012-12-7
- zdroj: Flow Induced Vibration
- klíčová slova: ALE method; discontinuous Galerkin method; numerical simulation; compressible flow; time dependent domains
- autoři: Miloslav Feistauer, Václav Kučera, Jaroslava Prokopová
- autoři z KNM: Feistauer Miloslav, Kučera Václav
This work is concerned with the numerical solution of inviscid compressible fluid flow through a channel with moving walls. We present two formulations of the Euler equations describing compressible flow in the ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) form. These two formulations are discretized in space by the discontinuous Galerkin method. The time discretization is carried out with the aid of a semi-implicit linearized scheme resulting in only one linear system on each time level. Currently, the motion of the wall is prescribed by a given formula. As an example we present here the flow simualtion in a channel with a pulsation sinusoidal bump at the lower wall.