Two dimensional compressible fluid-structure interaction model using DGFEM
- ID: 2657, RIV: 10139209
- ISSN: neuvedeno, ISBN: 978-3-642-33133-6
- zdroj: Numerical mathematics and advanced applications 2011
- klíčová slova: Two dimensional compressible flow; fluid-structure interaction; discontinuous Galerkin method
- autoři: Jaroslava Hasnedlová, Miloslav Feistauer, Adam Kosík, Václav Kučera
- autoři z KNM: Feistauer Miloslav, Kučera Václav
The subject of this paper is the numerical solution of the interaction of compressible flow and an elastic body with a special emphasis on the simulation of vibrations of vocal folds during phonation onset. The time-dependence of the domain occupied by the fluid is treated by the ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) method and the compressible Navier-Stokes equations are written in the ALE form. The deformation of the elastic body, caused by the aeroelastic forces, is described by the linear dynamical elasticity equations. Both these systems are coupled by transmission conditions. For the space-discretization of the flow problem the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (DGFEM) is used. The time-discretization is realized by the backward difference formula (BDF). The structural problem is discretize by the conforming finite element method and the Newmark method. The results of the use of two different coupling s and their comparison are presented