Comparison of time semi-discretization approaches for DGM solution of linear elasticity problem

  • ID: 2642, RIV: 10130179
  • ISSN: neuvedeno, ISBN: 978-80-87012-43-7
  • zdroj: Interaction and Feedbacks 2012. XIX-th National Seminar with International Participation,
  • klíčová slova: Comparison of numerical methods; time semi-discretization; DGM; linear elasticity problem
  • autoři: Adam Kosík, Miloslav Feistauer, Martin Hadrava
  • autoři z KNM: Feistauer Miloslav


The goal of the presented paper is to compare the application of the STDGM to other time discretization schemes on several simple model problems. We present a comparison of the numerical methods based on the backward Euler formula, the second order backward-difference formula and the Newmark scheme.