Numerical simulation of interaction of human vocal folds and fluid flow
- ID: 2578, RIV: 10103888
- ISSN: 0930-8989, ISBN: 978-94-007-2068-8
- zdroj: Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011
- klíčová slova: fluid-structure interaction; incompressible viscous flow; ALE method; biomechanics of voice
- autoři: Adam Kosík, Miloslav Feistauer, Jaromír Horáček, Petr Sváček
- autoři z KNM: Feistauer Miloslav
Our goal is to simulate airflow in human vocal folds and their flow-induced vibrations. We consider two-dimensional viscous incompressible flow in a time-dependent domain. The fluid flow is described by the Navier-Stokes equations in the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation. The flow problem is coupled with the elastic behaviour of the solid bodies. The developed solution of the coupled problem based on the finite element method is demonstrated by numerical experiments.