Towards Adaptive Methods for the Modelling of the Compressible Flows
- ID: 2342, RIV: 10033051
- ISSN: neuvedeno, ISBN: neuvedeno
- zdroj: Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics
- klíčová slova: Towards; Adaptive; Methods; Modelling; Compressible; Flows
- autoři: Jiří Felcman, Vít Dolejší, Miloslav Feistauer
- autoři z KNM: Dolejší Vít, Felcman Jiří, Feistauer Miloslav
Two- and three-dimensional adaptation strategy is presented in the context of a piecewise constant finite volume solution of compressible flow. Triangular (tetrahedral), dual and barycentric finite volumes are considered. The original adaptation techniques are classified from the point of view of the constant or linear recovery of the finite volume solution. Applications to physically relevant industrial problems of steady-state transonic flow are presented.