Total least squares problem in linear algebraic systems with multiple right-hand side

  • ID: 2248, RIV: 10030455
  • ISSN: neuvedeno, ISBN: neuvedeno
  • zdroj: SNA07 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis: Modelling and Simulation of Chalenging Engineering Problems
  • klíčová slova: Total; least; squares; problem; linear; algebraic; systems; multiple; right-hand; side
  • autoři: Iveta Hnětynková, Zdeněk Strakoš
  • autoři z KNM: Strakoš Zdeněk, Hnětynková Iveta


Consider an orthogonally invariant linear approximation problem Ax~b. It was proved that the partial Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization of the matrix [b,A] determines a core approximation problem containing the necessary and sufficient information for solving the original problem. In this contribution we concentrate on generalization of the core theory to linear approximation problems AX~B with multiple right-hand sides.