A Vertex Quality Parameter Moving Mesh Method

  • ID: 2245, RIV: 10029514
  • ISSN: neuvedeno, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0447-2
  • zdroj: Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
  • klíčová slova: Vertex; Quality; Parameter; Moving; Method
  • autoři: Jiří Felcman, Petr Kubera
  • autoři z KNM: Felcman Jiří


A moving mesh method is proposed for the multidimensional inviscid transonic gas flow governed by the nonstationary Euler equations. An anisotropic mesh adaptation strategy is employed in the framework of the time dependent meshes. A vertex quality parameter is defined. A local vertex motion strategy leading to a refinement/coarsennig of the time dependent mesh is proposed. The geometric mass conservation law is taken into account. A general multidimensional scheme is defined. A detailed one-dimensional analysis is presented. A numerical example demonstrates the applicability of the method.