Poroelasticity: mathematical modelling, numerical solution and applications

  • Datum:
  • Čas: 14:00 - 15:30
  • Adresa:
    Sokolovská 83, Praha
  • Místnost: K3
  • Přednášející: Jan Stebel

The interaction of flow and mechanics in porous media plays an important role in many applications such as geotechnics or computational biomechanics. The lecture is focused on the model of poroelasticity arising from the Biot consolidation theory. I will introduce the classical Biot system, give an overview of results on well-posedness and finite element approximation and present some solution techniques based on monolithic or splitting schemes and suitable preconditionings. Finally, an application to hydro-mechanics of fractured rock will be presented, which involves modelling of fracture network and nonlinear effects such as non-penetration contact conditions and stress-permeability relations.