DGM for the solution of nonlinear dynamic elasticity

  • ID: 2808, RIV: 10404277
  • ISSN: 1939-7358, ISBN: 978-3-319-96414-0
  • source: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2017
  • keywords: DGM; solution; nonlinear dynamic; elasticity
  • authors: Miloslav Feistauer, Martin Hadrava, Jaromír Horáček, Adam Kosík
  • authors from KNM: Feistauer Miloslav


The subject of the paper is the numerical solution of dynamic elasticity problems. We consider linear model and nonlinear Neo-Hookean model. First the continuous dynamic elasticity problem is formulated and then we pay attention to the derivation of the discrete problem. The space discretization is carried out by the discontinuous Galerkin method (DGM). It is combined with the backward difference formula (BDF) for the time discretization. Further, several numerical ex- periments are presented showing the behaviour of the developed numerical method in dependence on the coefficient in the penalty form. At the end the developed method is applied to the simulation of vibrations of 2D model of human vocal fold formed by four layers with different materials.