Adaptive Choice of Parameters in Stabilization Meth o ds for Convection-Diffusion Equations

  • ID: 2743, RIV: 10314778
  • ISSN: not specified, ISBN: 978-80-7378-224-5
  • source: WDS'12 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Part I,
  • keywords: SUPG; SDFEM; adaptive; adaptive methods; adjoint approach; stabilized methods; gradient methods;
  • authors: Petr Lukáš
  • authors from KNM: Lukáš Petr


This paper is devoted to the numerical solution of the scalar convection- diffusion equation. We present new results of the adaptive technique in finite element method based on minimizing a functional called error indicator. Particularly, we use more different spaces (space of piecewise constant functions, piecewise linear continuous functions, and piecewise linear discontinuous functions) for the parameter tau from the SUPG (SDFEM) method.