A reliable incremental method of computing the limit load in deformation plasticity based on compliance : Continuous and discrete setting

  • ID: 2725, RIV: 10330717
  • ISSN: 0377-0427, ISBN: not specified
  • source: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
  • keywords: incremental limit load analysis; variational problems with linear growth of energy; elastic-perfectly plastic problems
  • authors: Jaroslav Haslinger, Sergey Repin, Stanislav Sysala
  • authors from KNM: Haslinger Jaroslav


The paper introduces an enhanced incremental procedure that can be used for numerical evaluation and reliable estimation of the limit load in deformation plasticity problems. This method is based on the continuation of a function using a parameter whose physical meaning is work of applied forces at the equilibrium state. This approach enables us to get reliable lower and upper bounds of the limit load parameter.