Shape Optimization in Contact Problems with Coulomb friction and a Solution-Dependent Friction Coefficient
- ID: 2672, RIV: 10284788
- ISSN: 0363-0129, ISBN: not specified
- source: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
- keywords: shape optimization; contact problems; Coulomb friction; mathematical problems with equilibrium constraints; generalized differential calculus
- authors: P. Beremlijski, Jaroslav Haslinger, J. V. Outrata, Róbert Pathó
- authors from KNM: Haslinger Jaroslav
The paper deals with shape optimization in discretized 2D contact problems with Coulomb friction, where the coefficient of friction depends on the solution. The discrete model leads to a system of finite dimensional implicit variational inequalities parameterized by the design variables characterizing the shape of the body. The main results concern sensitivity analysis which is based on the generalized differential calculus of B. Mordukchovich. The derived subgradient information is used in the bundle trust method to compute several model examples.