Two-dimensional simulation of fluid-structure interaction using DGFEM

  • ID: 2634, RIV: 10129940
  • ISSN: not specified, ISBN: 978-80-227-3742-5
  • source: ALGORITMY 2012, 19th Conference on Scientific Computing
  • keywords: fluid structure interaction; compressible Navier-Stokes equations; ALE method; linear dynamical elasticity equation; coupling procedure
  • authors: Jaroslava Hasnedlová, Miloslav Feistauer, J. Horáček, Adam Kosík, Václav Kučera
  • authors from KNM: Feistauer Miloslav, Kučera Václav


The paper deals with the numerical simulation of the fluid-structure interaction of compressible flow with an elastic body. The work was motivated by the vibrations of human vocal folds during phonation onset. The fluid part of the problem is represented by the Navier-Stokes equations written in the ALE form. It allows us to treat the time dependence of the computational domain using the ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) method. The deformation of the elastic body is described by the linear elasticity equations. Both these system are coupled by the transmission conditions. The space-discretization of the fluid problem was carried out by the discontinuous Galerkin Finite element method (DGFEM) and for the time-discretization the backward difference formula (BDF) was used. The structural problem was discretized by the conforming finite element method and the Newmark method. The results present the applicability of the method and compare two different developed couplings.