Fluid-structure interaction

  • ID: 2451, RIV: 10026228
  • ISSN: not specified, ISBN: 978-80-01-04375-2
  • source: Matematika na vysokých školách - sborník 8. roč. semináře
  • keywords: Fluid-structure; interaction
  • authors: Miloslav Feistauer, Jaromír Horáček, Václav Kučera, Jaroslava Prokopová, Petr Sváček
  • authors from KNM: Feistauer Miloslav, Kučera Václav


The paper is concerned with the numerical solution of flow in time-dependent domains by the ALE finite element method. The method is coupled with the solution of structural vibrations and applied to the simulation of interactions between fluid and structure. The coupled technique is used for the simulation of flow induced airfoil vibrations and modelling of air flow in vocal folds.