A parallel domain decomposition solver for immersed boundary finite element method
- Date:
- Time: 14:00 - 15:30
- Address: Sokolovská 83, Praha
- Room: K3
- Speaker: Pavel Kůs
A conforming mesh generation for large-scale finite element method calculations is often a computational bottleneck, especially in the case of complex geometries. Not only is it compute time demanding, but transforming a CAD model to a volumetric mesh with required properties might be a hard problem. Immersed boundary approaches are gaining popularity as they can circumvent the need for the creation of conforming mesh. In this presentation, we discuss the challenges of the use of immersed boundary FEM solver with adaptivity of the underlying mesh and parallel implementation of domain decomposition. We show the algorithmic treatment, the influence of this setting on load balancing, and show performance of our implementation using challenging engineering geometries.